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From: bsanut@aol.com
Category: Korean War Related Topics
Date: 09 Apr 2000
Time: 18:35:46
I am trying to contact former vets who may have known my dad when he was in the service, sometime between '52 and '53. His name and station were as follows: Cpl Chester Robinson Carter, US 56 198 630, Headquarters and Service Co., 804th Engineer Aviation Battalion, RAF Station Freenham Common, Newbury, Berkshire, England.
I only know a few stories of his days in England, and have no names of any of the other men who were in his company. I have no idea how determine which of those men may have been his friends, so I'm prepared to send letters to any with whom there may be a chance. Perhaps the VA will be some help, but so far not so. Can anyone give me an idea as the best way to proceed?
I'm going to write a book about my dad's life. Going to Europe and being in the Army changed him, for the better, mostly, I think, but I could really use some details, and even if I only contact one man, that will be enough.
Thanks for your help.
Joe Carter
Last changed: June 19, 2000