Admissions PolicyAdopted by the Board of Trustees October 1998 "An admission fee will be charged of people wishing to visit the museum or library as individuals or groups. Members of the museum will be admitted for free as a benefit of membership. Life members and their family members will be admitted for free. The fees will be used to meet operating expenses. Immediate family members of those killed in action in the Korean War or on the DMZ will be admitted for free at all times. Those family members include the mother, father, wife, husband, children, brothers, and sisters of the person killed. It is the belief of the Board of Trustees that no one should be denied admittance solely for economic reasons, especially veterans and their families. Therefore, anyone unable to afford the admittance fee, may request free or reduced admission from the Visitor Services Coordinator. Proof of inability to pay would include but not be limited to a welfare card, an SSI card, or letter of introduction from an appropriate human or social service agency. The Visitor Services Coordinator will be responsible for applying this policy fairly and on a case by case basis. The general public will be admitted free of charge three times a year on the following days: Martin Luther Kings Birthday (January) in honor of the Korean War being the first time that U.S. military forces were integrated. Korean Armistice Day (July 27) in celebration of the day that the Armistice was signed to end active military engagements in Korea. Veterans Day (November) in honor of the men and women who fought in the Korean War and have served in the military since. These days will be widely publicized year round so that anyone wanting to visit the museum but unable to afford admission may plan to attend on these days. All visitors on these days will be admitted for free no questions asked. Researchers wishing to use the library for multiple days or on a long term basis may make special arrangements for admission at a reduced rate with the Visitor Services Coordinator." Copyright © 1998 Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library |
Copyright © 1998 Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library