Board Meeting Briefs

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  Officers present: Bob Kenney, Pres.; Bill O'Brien, 2nd V-P; Merle Sims, Treas. And Joe Matthews, Sec. Officers absent: Clyde Froth, 1st V-P. Trustees present: Walter Ade, Ken Cook, Jere Crise, Billy Gray, Jae Won lee, Dorothy McCumber, Yang Ho Song, Richard Teike, Warren Thomas, and Morlin Zimmerman. Trustees absent: Doug Fargo and Jim Luetke (Ex). Staff present: Sharon E. Corum. Guests: 88.

Bob Kenney called the meeting to
order at 9:30 A.M. Joe Mat thews led the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer .
Merle Sims read the treasurers re- port.

Starting Balance $10,475.62

Checks Written $ 9,386.83

Deposits $ 9,349.50

Ending Balance $10,438.29

Building Fund $ 9,511.25

Endowment Fund $4,810.17

Endowment Fund CD $ 349.80

Membership as of (6/2/00) 1,222 charter memberships.

The minutes from 1999 Annual Meeting were read and approved.
Richard Teike reported they ran a spot check on the books. This is for the audit. On the committee was Bill Williams. Merle Sims and

Lorraine Kenney were present to answer questions.
Lorraine Kenney reported we have 231 inactive memberships, 465 different groups or individuals have contributed without being members.  Bob Kenney asked Sharon Corum to give the election results in the absence of Richard Willoughby.  President: Robert Kenney, First V- P: Jeremiah Crise. Second V-P: Bill O'Brien, Treasurer: Dorothy McCumber, Secretary: Joe Mat- thews. Trustees elected: Merle
Sims, Yang Ho Song, Richard Teike and Warren Thomas. A motion was made and seconded for the report. Motion carried.

  Jere Crise, Chainnan of the Building Fund, reported on meeting with various legislatures and re ceiving pledges of support to help us. He also reported meeting with the University of Illinois who has agreed to assist us. The assistance of the U of I was brought about by Cong. Tom Ewing.

  Dr. Herb Smith of Bloomington told about his post in Normal, who drafted a resolution in support of the museum and library to the
Dept. of Illinois American Legion. He also talked to the State Ameri can Legion Commander who pledged to give us support.  

Norbert Bentele, State KWV A President gave a report on the State Convention to be held on June 23- 24-&25. He also spoke of an event that is to take place at the Gateway Theater in Chicago, for KW Veter ans on July 11, 2000 at 7:30 P.M.  Neil Hurley is our liaison on the Branson Veterans Task Branson, MO. After they finish raising the funds for the WW II Memorial, they will start raising funds for  us.


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