Korean War Casualties Korean/Vietnam War Casualty Statistics Comparison* The following statistics are based on the 1954 Department of Defense data base and the 37 month breakdowns reflect information based on the period of hostilities between June 25, 1950 and July 27, 1953 when the Armistice was signed. Korea
*In 1994/95, the DOD added 22 more names to the hostile database (the total is now 54,268) and also made a number of corrections and reclassifications. For an overview of the latest casualty statistics for the Korean War, continue reading this Statistics Web Page for Marty O'Brien's "In a Nutshell." Comparing the two wars, it is easy to see that the Korean War well earns its reputation as one of the bloodiest wars in American history. And, keep in mind, Americans are still dying in Korea even today. Here is a summary comparison of the 1954 figures, 1980 figures and the 1994/95 figures for hostile casualties, upon which my Nutshell is based in part:
Statistics: Estimated Casualties of the Korean War
Korean Combat Jump Dates & Data
------ October 20, 1950 ---------- October 21, 1950 ---------- March 23, 1951 STATISTICS IN A NUTSHELL*
DEAD AND WOUNDED - 54,268 Worldwide deaths between June 25, 1950 and January 31, 1955 - Official period of the Korean War. - 36,913 documented deaths in Korea and surrounding waters both hostile (33,651) and non-hostile (3,262). The hostile deaths include 8,177 body-not-returned cases, a mix of KIA, MIA and POW, of which 47 remains have been identified to date by the department of the army and the department of the air force. Official lists are maintained by the Department of Defense and the various services. - 103,284 Surviving hospitalized wounded in action in Korea, undoubtedly there were a number of hospitalized WIA cases that did not get recorded; no records were kept for non-hospitalized wounded. - 17,355 'Other' deaths worldwide, including hostile and non-hostile deaths - undoubtedly, a number of deaths in both categories in Korea were not attributed or recorded in official casualty lists for Korea. The remainder occurred at other global locations. The 17,355 figure is a 'historical' figure according to the Department of Defense. The DOD has stated that there is no list available for the 'other' category of deaths or wounded in action. - 98 Hostile or hostile-related deaths in and over Korea and surrounding waters between February 1, 1955 and 1995 [Demilitarized Zone; USS Pueblo Incident; and Navy EC-121 shootdown]. 131 Wounded in action in the DMZ insofar as it is known. *A complete breakdown of casualty statistics can be found on pages 58-59 of O'Brien's book. West Point Graduates as Korean War Casualties Including its war classes and those who returned to active duty during the Korean War, a total of 10,726 West Point graduates served on active duty during the Korean War. Of those, 157 died battle deaths at a death rate of 14.6 per 1000. Basis for this information are the career data listed for graduates in the 1950-55, 1960, 1970, 1973, and 1979 West Point Register of Graduates. Below are the names of the West Point graduates who were killed, missing in action, or died of battle wounds in the Korean War: Gen. Walton H. Walker PSYCHIATRIC CASUALTIES The following information is quoted and paraphrased from Richard A. Gabriel's book, "No More Heroes," copyright 1987. Gabriel is a professor of politics at St. Anselm College in Manchester, NH. A West Point man, he served 22 years active duty as an intelligence officer. From page 75: "The Korean War produced fewer psychiatric casualties than either World War I or World War II. Initially the rates. . . were greater than the rates in both world wars; in the early days of the war, as the front collapsed, there were few medical facilities to deal with the problem. In the first year of the war, the rate of psychiatric casualties was 250 per 1000 men, or almost 7 times higher than the average rate for World War II." Paraphrasing: 70 per 1000 by 1951; 22 per 1000 in '51; 21 per 1000 in first six months of 1953; average rate of 32 per 1000 slightly lower than WWII. 1,587,040 served in Korea; 33,629 KIA; 103,284 WIA; 48,002 admitted to psychiatric care, a number larger than the KIAs. 143% greater chance of being a mental casualty than being KIA. Of the 1,587,040 who served in Korea, only 198,380 saw combat. 17% of these were KIA, 24.2 became psychiatric casualties. Vietnam combatants: 2.8 million served in Vietnam; only 280,000 actually engaged in direct combat. UNITED NATIONS INVOLVEMENT IN THE KOREAN WAR The Plea: "...furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be necessary to repel the armed attack and to restore international peace and security to the area." The Response: Countries which furnished combat units & their peak strength in Korea - Australia - 2,282 Belgium/Luxembourg -944 Canada - 6,146 Colombia - 1,068 Ethiopia - 1,271 France - 1,119 Greece - 1,263 Netherlands - 819 New Zealand - 1,389 Philippines - 1,496 Republic of Korea - 590,911 Republic of South Africa - 826 Thailand - 1,294 Turkey - 5,455 United Kingdom - Great Britain - 14,198 United States - 348,000
Countries that furnished medical units - Denmark India Italy Norway Sweden
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