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We're Land Owners!

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Land #1

On Wednesday, January 27, 1999 at 1 p.m., the trustees of the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library acquired legal possession of an 11-acre tract of land east of Tuscola, Illinois on which to build the national museum.  Now that we own the land, there is no stopping us now!   


  Land #2

Korean War veterans gather around our sign for a photo session.  Photo taken Saturday, February 6, 1999.

Land Panoramic View #3

Korean War veterans from six states (MO, IL, IA, IN, WI, WV) gathered in Tuscola, Illinois on February 6 to have their picture taken by the new sign posted on the site for the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library.  You can't see their faces, but we assure you -- everyone was smiling!!  Following is a list of veterans pictured here:

Illinois: Robbie Robinson, Dick Wysocke, Ernest Ingram, Harold Dunham, Dick Larson, Keith Larson, Dick Moldroski, Joseph S. Hunter, Marion J. Danneberger, Harold McKittrick, Gene Grisamore, George Pempek, Otto Fafoglia, Bernard Scott, John F. Hamilton, Walter Ade, Merle Zimmerman, Billy D. Gray, Jere Crise, Al Harkrader, Wayne Bodoh, Robert Kenney, Merle E. Sims, James R. Burnside, Norbert Bentele, Vernon Schaefer, Howard J. Kleiss, Robert L. Bayes, Joe Matthews, Fred H. Black, Clyde Fruth, Sterling Taylor, Arlon Kahler, Dwane E. Hartman, Kenneth E. Kensil, Francis D. Zirtzman, Clark Furr, Loyal W. Brannan, Glen Stumeier, Harold Heckman, Donald L. Hayes, Jesse Adams, Clifford Prest, Frank Brazinski, Ken Kolberer, Fred Richmond, Richard Teike, Lee Snoke, Archie Edwards.   Other states: Harvey Walton, Wilton, Iowa; Neil D. Hurley, Hollister, MO; Warren H. Thomas, Linton, IN; John M. Settle, Ft. Wayne, IN; Doug Fargo, Charles Town, WVa; and Morlin L. (Morey) Zimmerman, Monroe, WI.


Land VFW #4

Members of Mattoon VFW Post 4325 helped swing the tide to enable our board of trustees to purchase the first 11-acre land option.  As a Christmas gift to the Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library, they donated $4,000 to our building fund.  Pictured here are some members of our board of trustees giving a certificate of appreciation to Post 4325 representative, Darrell Duzan.  Left to right: Yang Ho Song, Merle Sims, Joe Matthews, Darrell Duzan, Robert Kenney, Jae Won Lee.


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