Reunions The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion of the Wyoming National Guard will have a 50th reunion August 18, 19 & 20 2000. It will be held at the Holiday Inn in Sheridan Wyoming. For more information, contact Donald G. Huffaker, 105 Crescent Dr., Sheridan WY 82801 or at September 25 through October 1, 2000 1st Marine Division units and all units attached thereto, from June 1950 through July 1953, as well as anyone related to, or friends of Marine Corps Veterans, are invited to join us in a 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Korean War in Seoul, South Korea. We will observe first hand that an incredibly prosperous democracy has emerged from the ravages of war. Visit historic sights and participate in a massive memorial service to the more than 8,000 Americans still listed as "missing in action" in Korea. For further details, please contact us at, Korea Task Force 2000, toll free, 1-877-317-3458.
13th. Engineer[C] Bn. Assn. Will again be held in the state of Missouri, details not complete, for all info contact; Levi O. Haire President 6078 Danbury Ct. Morrow, Ga. 30260-1421 404-366-9891 December 5-9, 2000 will be held at the Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA. Watch this website for details!
Love Co. 35th Regt 25th Inf Div. Reunion in Jackson, TN. If interested contact me Don Walker. USS.Manchester CL-83 from
July 1950 to July 1952 in H div. We had a crippling fire in the aft fire
room 84th and 62 Engineer Construction Battalions These will be held May 24th- 27th 2000 in Milwaukee WI. Location is the Holiday Inn/City Center Phone Number- (414) 273-2950, or 800 number is- 465-4329. Contact Frank Olsen, 6227 West Locust St. Milwaukee WI 53210, Phone #- (414) 442-7013. 77th Artillery Reunion The 77th Artillery Association will
commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Chosin Reservior Campain with our11th
Renunion - November 9-12, 2000, at the Howard Johnson Convention Center, Lawton,
Oklahoma and Fort Sill. Consolation 2000 Reunion The U.S. Navy Hospital Ship, USS Consolation[AH-15] will hold a reunion on board the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California on October 2-5, 2000. Anyone associated in any way wit this historic ship or the USS Repose, USS Haven, the civilian charity ship Hope or the Danish Hospital Ship Jutlandia is welcome, including USMC, Korean and other United Nations Units. Contact Ted Bobinski, 25 Antibes, Laguna Niguel, California. 92677-2781, Tel.[949] 499-3230, Fax[949] 499-5446, E-mail: , Website: http://uss-consolation-ah15.org ASA Korea Renunion Veterans who served with the Army Security Agency in Korea during the years 1950-1960 are invited to attend a reunion October 26-29, 2000, in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Contact "ASA Korea" in care of Valley Travel, 1089 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520-0276; phone 1-800-696-8747; fax: 508-829-6748.
151st Combat Engineers 151st Combat Engineers will hold their 4th reunion Sept. 7-10 ,2000 in Lebanon, Tn. at the Shoney's Inn Motel. Hosted by Jack & Ruth Cato. Ph: 615-444-5225 or e-mail me Alan Stewart at jessiestewart@webtv.net The 151st was in Korea 1951-1954.Bring your family and friends. This year we are extending a cordial welcome to ANY Korean Veteran of any unit to join us. We have been contacted by several who have never had a reunion available to them. You are most welcome at ours! Copyright © 1998 Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library |
Copyright © 1998 Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library