Rifleman's Equipment Weight

Estimated weight of equipment carried by a rifleman in combat
during the summer of 1951*
Steel helmet - 3 lbs
Helmet liner - 0.5 lbs
Fatigue shirt, pants, underwear & socks - 4 lbs
Field jacket - 3 lbs
Combat boots - 4 lbs
Ammo belt & suspenders - 2.5 lbs
Pack - 1 lb
Garand M-1 rifle - 9.5 lbs
Bayonet & scabbard - 2 lbs
320 rounds of 30-06 ammunition - 18 lbs
2 grenades - 2.7 lbs
Entrenching tool & scabbard - 3.5 lbs
2 ponchos, light weight model - 5 lbs
Wool sleeping bag & cover - 4 lbs
2 full canteens with cup & cover - 7.5 lbs
Mess kit with knife, fork & spoon - 0.5 lbs
2 meals of C rations - 4 lbs
First aid pouch - 0.1 lb
Rifle cleaning supplies - 0.1 lb
Personal items - 0.3 lb
Towel, wash cloth & extra socks - 0.3 lb
TOTAL - 75.5 lbs
In addition, one man in each squad carried a rifle cleaning rod that weighed about a
*Taken from page 22, "17th Infantry Misfits Squad" by Sgt. Jack Dean.
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