Images of the Korean War Page 3

The pictures shown on this page are brought to you by Korean
War veterans from all over the United States who want to share special moments and scenes
from the war which were captured on camera film. Most of the pictures were taken by
amateur photographers who were the Korean War veterans themselves. If you have a
picture(s) which you would like to share on this website, please notify Tricia North. As
much as you possibly can, please identify the subject(s) in the photographs so we can
create a photo caption. You may send images via E-mail or by mailing them to Sharon
Corum at 700 S. Main Street,
Tuscola, IL 61953. Original photographs will be returned upon request.

Taking the high ground at the Chosin Reservoir, December
1950. Photo courtesy Historical Branch USMC via Ray Walker, Tennessee.

Chinese POWs at Chosin Reservoir. Photo courtesy
Historical Branch USMC via Marine vet Ray Walker.

Between Yudam-Ni & Hagaru-ri, December 2 or 3, 1950.
Photo courtesy Historical Branch USMC via Ray Walker, Tennessee.
Lt. Doug Fargo (left), 2nd platoon leader, in reserve,
Christmas 1951. 2nd platoon, L Co., 32nd Inf. L to R - Cpl. French, Bubbles Besetti,
Joe Chimalaski, Zeke Medinia, Big Ed, Sgt. Tony Olivares, Johnson, S/Sgt. Perry (kneeling
at right). Christmas 1951, Korea. Photos from Doug Fargo, Charles Town, W. Virginia.
Ethiopian soldier (left) New Zealand Korean War vet
(middle) Both photos from the Paul Wolfgeher Collection, Independence, MO.
Philippine soldier (left) - English soldier (right).
Photos from the Paul Wolfgeher Collection, Independence, MO.
Sgt. Tony Olivares (left), one of Lt. Doug Fargo's
peacemakers on Heartbreak Ridge, Nov. 1951. Love Co., 32nd Inf. Regt. - 2nd platoon,
L Co., 32nd Inf. Reg. Left to Right - Zeke Medinia, Bubbles, Besetti, Sgt. Tony Olivares,
Richard Mello. Reserve area Summer 1951, Camp Canelles. Both photos from the Doug Fargo
Collection, Charles Town, WVA.
Heartbreak Ridge. L Company, 32nd Inf. Regt., November
1951. Photos from the Doug Fargo Collection, Charles Town, WV.

Heartbreak Ridge looking north to North Korean/Chinese
about 1200 yards away. November 1951. Photo from the Doug Fargo Collection, Charles Town,

British troops checking out jeep. From the Paul Wolfgeher
Collection, Independence, MO.

Thailand soldier (left) with vendor. Australian soldier
(right) with vendor. Both photos from the Paul Wolfgeher Collection, Independence, MO.
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